Hoste Barn is a wonderful isolated location to just get away from it all. We are keen that you also get away from all those worries concerning Covid-19. We have therefore made sure that we have done all we can to keep you safe before and during your stay at Hoste Barn.
Firstly, we are ensuring that the property Hoste Barn that you have booked will be cleaned and sanitised to the Covid Ready Guidelines from PASC UK, the AA and Visit England. We have produced a Risk Assessment that covers all aspects of our business and this can be seen on demand, and is also available on our website at
Our assessment has been reviewed and approved by both AA Quality in Tourism and Visit England Good to Go.

We have an experienced cleaning company that comes in to perform our change overs and they are working to the new PASC cleaning guidelines.
On arrival, the barn will be open and ready for you and the cleaned keys will be in the keysafe by the door. Please try not to arrive before 1600 hours so that we can complete the enhanced cleaning under the cleaning protocols above. It is also imperative you leave before 10.00 to allow the same safety approach to preparation for our next guests as we did for you.
What we are asking you to do to help us ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable holiday.
Remember the best way to stay safe is to regularly wash hands thoroughly. Thank you and look forward to welcoming you at Hoste Barn.